Sunday, August 12, 2012

quantity or Quality?

When Shopping, Do you go for Quantity or Quality?

Would you purchase clothes & Makeup at a cheaper price sacrificing the quality ?


Would you purchase Clothes & Makeup at a higher price, paying more yet getting more quality?


Would you prefer to buy certain things for quality and others for quantity?

Personally, I notice that if you go for quality, you'll accumulate less pieces of clothing since the piece will last you longer. For example, I'd pay good money for pair of jeans because reality is how many pairs of jeans will you need? I have one Pair of Dark Salsa jeans that I wear all the time because they're just so comfy!! While as if we're talking about tank tops or generally Tee-shirts, I wouldn't mind buying for the quantity rather than quality because I won't want to wear it for that long anyway.

Let me know what you think! :)

- S

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