Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cleaning MakeUp Brushes

Since I just put up a post about brushes, it seemed suitable to talk about cleaning them as well! I find it that most people overlook cleaning their brushes. By cleaning your brushes, you're avoiding the accumulation of the following:
  • Old Makeup 
  • Debris & Dirt
  • Dead Skin Cells
  • Bacteria and Oil 
Another benefit you get from cleaning you brush is maintaining the softness of the brush. If you pay for 
quality, then you need to take care of it to get most out of it!

How to Clean your Brushes?
I prefer buying Brush cleaner. I use Sephora's brush cleaner, it does the job and its also cheap! What I usually do is , I fold tissue into a square and place the brush on it. I spray the brush to saturate it with the cleaner and then i (gently) swirl the brush on the tissue! That way you get rid of excess make up & clean your brush gently.

If you don't want to buy a Brush cleaner then you can use baby shampoo. First, Saturate your brush with water, then put some baby shampoo on a sponge and swirl your brush onto the sponge. Afterwords rinse your brush in luke warm water. Make sure you get all the shampoo out!

Once you're done cleaning, Leave the brush to dry on it's own. I once tried to dry it by a hair dryer and that didn't end well! So you've been warned.

How often should i clean my brush?
Depends how often you use it. If it's an eyeshadow brush, then i recommend cleaning it right after you're done using it. Especially if it's the eyeliner brush. You don't want the liquid/gel to dry out on the brush. It'll be extra work trying to get it off once it's dried. Rule of thumb, clean them Every Week or Every Other Week.

How often do you clean your brushes?

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